Hear directly from the People's Assembly for Nature members
Responses to the People's Plan for Nature
The People's Plan for Nature has been created by the people, for the people. It demands urgent, immediate action to protect and renew nature. Everyone now needs to respond to the People's Plan for Nature and set out how they will take it forward in their organisations.
Find out below how organisations are responding to the People's Plan for Nature.
June 2023
Scottish Wildlife Trust's response to the People's Plan for Nature
Church of England's response to the People's Plan for Nature
British Trust for Ornithology (BTO)'s response to the People's Plan for Nature
May 2023
WWF's response to the People's Plan for Nature
The RSPB's response to the People's Plan for Nature
The National Trust's response to the People's Plan for Nature
The Food, Farming & Countryside Commission's response to the People's Plan for Nature