Dyma’ch holl gyfraniadau i’r Sgwrs Genedlaethol.
Pa enghreifftiau cyffrous wyt ti wedi'u gweld o bobl yn cydweithio i adfer ac amddiffyn natur?
Fflagio fel amhriodol
Geoff Lawton's 'greening the desert' project is extremely interesting and viable. Growing food in cities is catching on. The Garth Hillside Organic Garden is an outstanding example of volunteer-driven permaculture, local to me. Small farms and orchards are popping up everywhere. Turning disused buildings to indoor food growing is certainly worth investigating. RSPB do so much to protect land from destructive development. Introducing schools to gardening is a great idea. Conservation and habitat creation are the way to go. Rewilding is equally worth pursuing. The 'slow the flow' movement are working hard to reduce lowland flooding by upland reforesting. Permaculture is a force for good.
Fflagio fel amhriodol
I agree with all your ideas
Fflagio fel amhriodol
Great idea to plant trees but why not lowland as well as upland. Trees take up gallons of water every day?
Pa enghreifftiau cyffrous wyt ti wedi'u gweld o bobl yn cydweithio i adfer ac amddiffyn natur?
Fflagio fel amhriodol
Cloud forest reigns everywhere and dominates the landscape. The built environment is integrated lovingly within it. There are no more bare hills or vast monoculture deserts any more. Careful land management has created systems for harvesting rainwater, catching and storing it from hilltop to lowland. Floods are hugely alleviated, as the ground is now so much more absorbent. The crime of Ecocide has put untold irresponsible billionaires and corporations forever behind bars. Permaculture is the norm. Biodynamic and organic methods are mainstream. We eat far less meat and rely on wild high-welfare animals for what meat we do eat, with a deep respect for these creatures. We are one with nature.
Fflagio fel amhriodol
Sarah G
Yes, heartily agree. People need to reconnect with nature
Fflagio fel amhriodol
Sarah B:
Fflagio fel amhriodol
Sarah B:
This is what we should all be working towards and have the know how to achieve. It just needs the will!
Beth wyt ti’n ei garu am fyd natur yn y DU? Beth fyddet ti’n ei golli pe bai’n diflannu?
Fflagio fel amhriodol
We are part of nature. It's not just a trendy addition to the urban norm, it's who we are and where we come from. I love the sheer diversity of animals and plants and fungi, I marvel at how they have come to be as they are, what they must have gone through to achieve their current form. I feel at peace and greatly healed when I'm out and about in the wild. If it disappeared, well, we'd be dead, and would arrive there in excruciating agony of body mind and spirit.
Fflagio fel amhriodol
Totally, totally agree
Pa enghreifftiau cyffrous wyt ti wedi'u gweld o bobl yn cydweithio i adfer ac amddiffyn natur?
Fflagio fel amhriodol
Land that is currently reserved for privileged recreation like grouse and deer shooting estates has been rewilded. Farming in in the uplands has also been shifted towards supporting nature and more land is left unmanaged. Key species reintroductions like beavers, lynx and bison have altered the habitats available to wildlife and restored degraded ecosystems. We all try to take a more hands off approach to living alongside nature rather than controlling it and we benefit from both ecosystem services and the wellbeing that comes from seeing nature thrive.
Fflagio fel amhriodol
Alison Warburton
Couldn’t agree more. We need to learn to live with nature more and not treat it as an added luxury
Beth wyt ti’n ei garu am fyd natur yn y DU? Beth fyddet ti’n ei golli pe bai’n diflannu?
Fflagio fel amhriodol
I love seeing the plants and animals around me going about their daily errands, either mundane or strange to me. It reminds me that the World is bigger than current events or my immediate concerns.
We are part of nature. It is not something we can choose to dispense with and might 'miss' but can do without. Nature encompasses us and everything we value.
We are part of nature. It is not something we can choose to dispense with and might 'miss' but can do without. Nature encompasses us and everything we value.
Pa enghreifftiau cyffrous wyt ti wedi'u gweld o bobl yn cydweithio i adfer ac amddiffyn natur?
Fflagio fel amhriodol
Arkham’s Meadows near Bishop Wilton
Pa enghreifftiau cyffrous wyt ti wedi'u gweld o bobl yn cydweithio i adfer ac amddiffyn natur?
Fflagio fel amhriodol
The roar of traffic has gone and the air and water is clean and full of life
Beth wyt ti’n ei garu am fyd natur yn y DU? Beth fyddet ti’n ei golli pe bai’n diflannu?
Fflagio fel amhriodol
The sound of insects and birds
Fflagio fel amhriodol
The number of birds around the houses where I have lived over the last 70 years ha plummeted. It is so sad. There seem to be even fewer now than there were last year. I am sure there are are many, many householders who would welcome simple and practical ideas, along with sources of advice to try to encourage birdlife recovery.
Pa enghreifftiau cyffrous wyt ti wedi'u gweld o bobl yn cydweithio i adfer ac amddiffyn natur?
Fflagio fel amhriodol
Farmers coming together or trying it alone, to protect, restore or create nature on their land. Despite being some of the hardest working people with the responsibility to produce our food, they are committing more and more to nature. support from businesses and government is improving this and should carry on getting better.
Pa enghreifftiau cyffrous wyt ti wedi'u gweld o bobl yn cydweithio i adfer ac amddiffyn natur?
Fflagio fel amhriodol
I love seeing projects where people are working to enhance the wildlife value of a space. I've seen:
Local people managing the heath near my village.
School children planting flowers for insects at a nature reserve.
My children's school teachers, children and families working to create new pond habitats in the their school grounds.
My family creating wildflower areas in the garden, mini ponds, log piles, hedgehog feeding stations, long grass spaces.
Farmers leaving edges of fields near waterways to minimise runoff to improve water quality.
Rewilding projects on farms that have / are creating amazing spaces for wildlife.
Education projects on beaches to protect nesting birds and seals.
Local people managing the heath near my village.
School children planting flowers for insects at a nature reserve.
My children's school teachers, children and families working to create new pond habitats in the their school grounds.
My family creating wildflower areas in the garden, mini ponds, log piles, hedgehog feeding stations, long grass spaces.
Farmers leaving edges of fields near waterways to minimise runoff to improve water quality.
Rewilding projects on farms that have / are creating amazing spaces for wildlife.
Education projects on beaches to protect nesting birds and seals.
Fflagio fel amhriodol
Education is the key. When children learn about the importance of looking after nature they will grow up with the respect needed to keep their planet healthy. Thank goodness so many people have already realised the importance of this - small steps lead to big ones - let’s keep going forward together.
Beth wyt ti’n ei garu am fyd natur yn y DU? Beth fyddet ti’n ei golli pe bai’n diflannu?
Fflagio fel amhriodol
Green space being used for development destruction of natural habitats. Stop building in places already overcrowded use brown sites
Fflagio fel amhriodol
While development of existing brownfield sites is preferable to the concreting of virgin green spaces, ‘infill’ development in urban areas (eg. when gardens are turned over to housing) is just as damaging to the wildlife species that rely on the green corridors such gardens (once) provided. It’s far from a simple issue…
Pa enghreifftiau cyffrous wyt ti wedi'u gweld o bobl yn cydweithio i adfer ac amddiffyn natur?
Fflagio fel amhriodol
I would love to see more wildlife in our country by 2050. I want to see clouds of butterflies; hear a variety of bird calls across the countryside - not just confined to nature reserves; have loads of insects stuck to the front of my car like they used to when I was a child; know that hedgehog populations are thriving; see a variety of wildflowers when walking through the countryside; have quality wildlife rich green spaces in towns and cities. Space needs to be managed to allow wildlife to thrive. Pesticides need to be used less by farmers and possibly not at all by gardeners. The land needs to be viewed as a ecosystem to balance not just space to be exploited.
Pa enghreifftiau cyffrous wyt ti wedi'u gweld o bobl yn cydweithio i adfer ac amddiffyn natur?
Fflagio fel amhriodol
We have realised that we cannot thrive without nature thriving. And so, protection and restoration has become the first priority with every human project, from development to social justice. We have torn ourselves away from the short-term mindset that cannot account for nature, and by taking a longer view we are able to see nature protection as a sacred investment that ensures the long-term viability of the project which can be enjoyed by the current and future generations alike. Nature isn't seen as a barrier that gets in the way, rather the source of all prosperity that should be nurtured.
Fflagio fel amhriodol
I like this difference, how nature has become a core component of any and all projects, in the same way that budget is. To support this, our national values around nature have also changed, in the same way they have recently around LGBTQ. In 2050, it will be taboo to disrespect nature.
Beth wyt ti’n ei garu am fyd natur yn y DU? Beth fyddet ti’n ei golli pe bai’n diflannu?
Fflagio fel amhriodol
I would miss the beauty and meaning of planet Earth that arise from the wonderful harmony of the innumerable and intricate interconnections between all things. The hum of life across a multi-coloured meadow in the height of summer as the bees hurriedly go about collecting nectar and pollinating the flowers to create the next generation, is what I would miss most.
Nature just is, it doesn't ask for anything, it doesn't judge nor condemn. This calms us, gives us perspective and allows us to connect with our true compassionate humanity. Without it we will become lost in ego, self-centredness and anxiety. We are nothing without Nature.
Nature just is, it doesn't ask for anything, it doesn't judge nor condemn. This calms us, gives us perspective and allows us to connect with our true compassionate humanity. Without it we will become lost in ego, self-centredness and anxiety. We are nothing without Nature.
Beth wyt ti’n ei garu am fyd natur yn y DU? Beth fyddet ti’n ei golli pe bai’n diflannu?
Fflagio fel amhriodol
I love getting out in nature. Being able to get out for a walk in woodland, heathland, coastal areas, nature rich farmland, hills and valleys is really important to me. It provides me with exercise which is good for my physical health but also supports my mental wellbeing. I love being in spaces that have lots of wildlife to see, hear & smell and to notice the changing seasons, to spot new species of notice behaviours of wildlife. For me it is important not to just have 'green space' but that this space is species rich. It needs to be managed in a way that allows fungi, plants, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, invertebrates, birds and fish to thrive.
Pa enghreifftiau cyffrous wyt ti wedi'u gweld o bobl yn cydweithio i adfer ac amddiffyn natur?
Fflagio fel amhriodol
No use of non recyclable materials
Beth wyt ti’n ei garu am fyd natur yn y DU? Beth fyddet ti’n ei golli pe bai’n diflannu?
Fflagio fel amhriodol
Woodlands, rivers and meadows
Pa enghreifftiau cyffrous wyt ti wedi'u gweld o bobl yn cydweithio i adfer ac amddiffyn natur?
Fflagio fel amhriodol
A local famer in Essex is developing robust profitable farming systems with restoration at the forefront of his thinking whilst producing health, nutritious food. By 'wilding' areas of the farm, creting shelter belts and working with agroforestry the farm continues to develop into a landscape rich in wildlife. This farmer is working with other farmers of similar mind and discussing these plans with nature conservation NGO's and the local community.
Pa enghreifftiau cyffrous wyt ti wedi'u gweld o bobl yn cydweithio i adfer ac amddiffyn natur?
Fflagio fel amhriodol
The ensure nature thrives we need to put biodiversity at the start of any decisions around how we manage land - it should not be an 'bolt-on' afterthought.
Agriculture, development, management of national parks - biodiversity should be the first consideration - how do we achieve our land management objectives with nature designed/managed into it.
To manage this way we woudl see a recovery in threatened and vulnerable species and habitats - the sky would once again be full of birds, our wild spaces would teem with insects and wildflowers would be allowed to grow in farmed and developed landscapes.
Agriculture, development, management of national parks - biodiversity should be the first consideration - how do we achieve our land management objectives with nature designed/managed into it.
To manage this way we woudl see a recovery in threatened and vulnerable species and habitats - the sky would once again be full of birds, our wild spaces would teem with insects and wildflowers would be allowed to grow in farmed and developed landscapes.
Pa enghreifftiau cyffrous wyt ti wedi'u gweld o bobl yn cydweithio i adfer ac amddiffyn natur?
Fflagio fel amhriodol
More people are investing in allotments and growing their own food. More people now are understanding the benefits of nature for our physical and mental wellbeing.
Beth wyt ti’n ei garu am fyd natur yn y DU? Beth fyddet ti’n ei golli pe bai’n diflannu?
Fflagio fel amhriodol
I love the way nature makes me feel truly present. Nature provides ultimate and unparalleled escapism from the fast-paced modern world.
Pa enghreifftiau cyffrous wyt ti wedi'u gweld o bobl yn cydweithio i adfer ac amddiffyn natur?
Fflagio fel amhriodol
Less housing and consumer-related buildings being built. More trees planted, and impenetrable laws in place to protect wildlife and land.
Beth wyt ti’n ei garu am fyd natur yn y DU? Beth fyddet ti’n ei golli pe bai’n diflannu?
Fflagio fel amhriodol
English countryside and natural land is the backbone of our culture. We are so lucky to have such beautiful and accessible nature resources. Animals and wildlife depend on conservation, and they have as much right to be here as we do, so we should protect it at all costs.
Pa enghreifftiau cyffrous wyt ti wedi'u gweld o bobl yn cydweithio i adfer ac amddiffyn natur?
Fflagio fel amhriodol
-Sutton Community Farm
-Land Worker's Alliance members
-Working Woodland's Cornwall
-Land Worker's Alliance members
-Working Woodland's Cornwall
Pa enghreifftiau cyffrous wyt ti wedi'u gweld o bobl yn cydweithio i adfer ac amddiffyn natur?
Fflagio fel amhriodol
- Agro-ecological regenerative farming
-Increased free access to natural areas in the UK
-Regenerative management of woodland/ coastlines/ and other sites
-Restrictions on mono-crop cultivation of trees and crops
-Focus on soil health
-Focus on building on brownfield sites and repairing existinghousing stock
-Increased free access to natural areas in the UK
-Regenerative management of woodland/ coastlines/ and other sites
-Restrictions on mono-crop cultivation of trees and crops
-Focus on soil health
-Focus on building on brownfield sites and repairing existinghousing stock
Beth wyt ti’n ei garu am fyd natur yn y DU? Beth fyddet ti’n ei golli pe bai’n diflannu?
Fflagio fel amhriodol
1)Free access to nature, not barred by private only signs/entrance fees.
2) Sites protected- supportive regeneration of habitats and environment to prevent damage from visitors/ wider environmental damage caused by humans
3) Attempts to increase the number of agroecological/ regenerative farmers and landworkers working in the UK's rural areas. They are contributing to productive management of nature of the UK in a positive way for both biodiversity and people. More support needed to encourage this work. Please see further information from Land Worker's Alliance on this point.
2) Sites protected- supportive regeneration of habitats and environment to prevent damage from visitors/ wider environmental damage caused by humans
3) Attempts to increase the number of agroecological/ regenerative farmers and landworkers working in the UK's rural areas. They are contributing to productive management of nature of the UK in a positive way for both biodiversity and people. More support needed to encourage this work. Please see further information from Land Worker's Alliance on this point.
Pa enghreifftiau cyffrous wyt ti wedi'u gweld o bobl yn cydweithio i adfer ac amddiffyn natur?
Fflagio fel amhriodol
Our local woodland has a Friends group which do some great work trying to balance accessibility with allowing an ancient woodland surrounded by housing to flourish naturally. There is quite a lot of that in Leeds.
I visited Knepp once and I think what they are doing is great and is wonderful that a network of those types of wildlands are springing up across Europe. Similar schemes to control river flows naturally which are creating similar habitats (just need to reintroduce beavers more!) are great because they are not particularly managed. Nature is just left to look after itself, which it does quite well.
I visited Knepp once and I think what they are doing is great and is wonderful that a network of those types of wildlands are springing up across Europe. Similar schemes to control river flows naturally which are creating similar habitats (just need to reintroduce beavers more!) are great because they are not particularly managed. Nature is just left to look after itself, which it does quite well.
Pa enghreifftiau cyffrous wyt ti wedi'u gweld o bobl yn cydweithio i adfer ac amddiffyn natur?
Fflagio fel amhriodol
There is more space for nature - more hedgerows, wider field boundaries, more corners left for a pond or a thicket, more spaces given back to nature, larger spaces given back to nature, so larger animals can roam and create original habitats, improve soils and biodiversity.
Pa enghreifftiau cyffrous wyt ti wedi'u gweld o bobl yn cydweithio i adfer ac amddiffyn natur?
Fflagio fel amhriodol
Many small scale projects in my local area, usually run by volunteers, all adding up to a big difference
Pa enghreifftiau cyffrous wyt ti wedi'u gweld o bobl yn cydweithio i adfer ac amddiffyn natur?
Fflagio fel amhriodol
There is obviously the very large and large rewilding programmes up and down the country. Very thankful for that drive and collaboration. But there are many small scale itiatives such as the Wilder Champions started by Hampshire & Isle Wight Wildlife Trust and taken up by other trusts. These involve volunteers who run or advise on how to rewild whole villages (eg The Wallops) or indivual garden spaces, big or small. There are also honey bee guardians working together, offering honey bees a home in interference/chemical free conditions & sp. This helps not just honey bees but other pollinators and the general insect world. Eg. Hampshire Natural Bees, Natural Beekeeping Trust & BeeKind Hives.
Beth wyt ti’n ei garu am fyd natur yn y DU? Beth fyddet ti’n ei golli pe bai’n diflannu?
Fflagio fel amhriodol
I love the diversity and finding something new. No matter how long I keep looking over how many years, there is always something new to find out about when I go out.
I love taking my kids out to explore helping them to learn about wildlife and nature.
I love the sound of nature when you get far enough away from roads and urbania, the sound of 'silence', just the wind, the birds, the trees, streams... I would miss spaces to relax and zone out, and listen.
I love taking my kids out to explore helping them to learn about wildlife and nature.
I love the sound of nature when you get far enough away from roads and urbania, the sound of 'silence', just the wind, the birds, the trees, streams... I would miss spaces to relax and zone out, and listen.
Pa enghreifftiau cyffrous wyt ti wedi'u gweld o bobl yn cydweithio i adfer ac amddiffyn natur?
Fflagio fel amhriodol
My visin for 2050 is on the micro level in two ways. First, Business, urban & home. That political Planning puts all nature & human needs on an equal footing, legally. No opting out by paying out! That rewilding has reached this level in comprehensive permanent. Second, our children & parents automatically think of nature as core to their lives, holding Power accountable at every opportunity.
Beth wyt ti’n ei garu am fyd natur yn y DU? Beth fyddet ti’n ei golli pe bai’n diflannu?
Fflagio fel amhriodol
The Highlands in Scotland. In the 10 years we've been visiting there has been a change. More commercial activity, more pollution, (particularly of the waters), more traffic, more people. I would miss the quiet; clarity of air, sea and rivers; all wildlife. With its big skies, turbulent weather, and deep dark night skies, The Highlands is a region of contrasts and long may it remain that way.
Pa enghreifftiau cyffrous wyt ti wedi'u gweld o bobl yn cydweithio i adfer ac amddiffyn natur?
Fflagio fel amhriodol
My local village has created an orchard. It’s immature but already showing what trees and grasses can do to increase habitat for our native wildlife
Pa enghreifftiau cyffrous wyt ti wedi'u gweld o bobl yn cydweithio i adfer ac amddiffyn natur?
Fflagio fel amhriodol
Our streets would be brimming with nature. We would see wildlife and experience on a daily basis the power of nature to prevent flooding
Pa enghreifftiau cyffrous wyt ti wedi'u gweld o bobl yn cydweithio i adfer ac amddiffyn natur?
Fflagio fel amhriodol
Local people and youth groups planted two millennium woods that are thriving and being maintained by local volunteers. Worms Wood and Bersted Brook.
Beth wyt ti’n ei garu am fyd natur yn y DU? Beth fyddet ti’n ei golli pe bai’n diflannu?
Fflagio fel amhriodol
Open spaces with the sights and sounds of the birds and wildlife
I have witnessed the decline in our countryside and I miss the flora and fauna and the trees that has been desecrated by housing and urban sprawl
I have witnessed the decline in our countryside and I miss the flora and fauna and the trees that has been desecrated by housing and urban sprawl
Pa enghreifftiau cyffrous wyt ti wedi'u gweld o bobl yn cydweithio i adfer ac amddiffyn natur?
Fflagio fel amhriodol
Everyone is aware of the need to protect nature and actively do so. Businesses, landowners and government give nature priority over profits and development. People are not consumer oriented and do what is best for everyone, rather than putting themselves first.
Beth wyt ti’n ei garu am fyd natur yn y DU? Beth fyddet ti’n ei golli pe bai’n diflannu?
Fflagio fel amhriodol
Just being outdoors, away from manmade structures and noise gives me peace and a chance to unwind. Getting to see wildlife is a bonus that often makes my day.
Pa enghreifftiau cyffrous wyt ti wedi'u gweld o bobl yn cydweithio i adfer ac amddiffyn natur?
Fflagio fel amhriodol
Knepp is of course one of the most exciting projects. However market gardens practicing regenerative agriculture are also very exciting to me. They support a huge amount of biodiversity and supply people with highly nutritional food. Trill farm garden for example.
Pa enghreifftiau cyffrous wyt ti wedi'u gweld o bobl yn cydweithio i adfer ac amddiffyn natur?
Fflagio fel amhriodol
Vast areas have been connected through huge rewinding projects. Farmers practice regenerative agriculture. Ancient trees and woodland have complete protection and cannot be destroyed or “replaced” with newly planted trees. Educating people about food health, soul health and in turn our gut health starts at primary school. Everyone has access to much more nature, wild nature.
Pa enghreifftiau cyffrous wyt ti wedi'u gweld o bobl yn cydweithio i adfer ac amddiffyn natur?
Fflagio fel amhriodol
Trying to stop Gatwick second runway - which would mean too many planes flying over AONB! Gatwick Obviously Not team very active. Bird count by RSPB to raise awareness. Kent Wildlife organisation. Otherwise don’t see enough going on.
Pa enghreifftiau cyffrous wyt ti wedi'u gweld o bobl yn cydweithio i adfer ac amddiffyn natur?
Fflagio fel amhriodol
More places to go for peace and tranquillity. Less air pollution. Less light and noise pollution. No aircrafts flying over. More birds and butterflies and other animals. Zero animal cruelty such as fox hunting. Equal rights for animals and people. Farmland with nature legally accommodated for. More natural spaces to go to. Zero litter. More birdsong.
Beth wyt ti’n ei garu am fyd natur yn y DU? Beth fyddet ti’n ei golli pe bai’n diflannu?
Fflagio fel amhriodol
It sounds melodramatic but without nature life wouldn’t be worth living. If we couldn’t visit an ancient oak teaming with life, if we couldn’t touch healthy soil teaming with life, if we couldn’t hear the black bird singing in the twilight, what would we be here for? We need nature for healthy food, good mental health, strong physical health. We are intertwined with nature, without it we won’t exist in any meaningful way.
Beth wyt ti’n ei garu am fyd natur yn y DU? Beth fyddet ti’n ei golli pe bai’n diflannu?
Fflagio fel amhriodol
Nature is awe inspiring, I need to go out into it regularly for peace and tranquillity. It helps body (walking as exercise) and mind. I’m a psychologist and have read research highlighting importance of nature for wellbeing. But most of all it’s important that the human species doesn’t wreck the whole planet!!! I love the beauty of the changing seasons. I’d miss the trees and birds if it disappeared. Nature is bigger than us and should be preserved.
Pa enghreifftiau cyffrous wyt ti wedi'u gweld o bobl yn cydweithio i adfer ac amddiffyn natur?
Fflagio fel amhriodol
Nature isn’t the exception, it’s the rule. Town planning, roads, transport - everything is planned around nature. It no longer exists in small detached areas; instead corridors exist joining spaces together so species can safely move, breed and live. The air is cleaner and the use of plastic, gas and oil has been drastically reduced. Nature is protected in law, and every sector of society from primary schools to large corporations include nature in their priories and planning.
Pa enghreifftiau cyffrous wyt ti wedi'u gweld o bobl yn cydweithio i adfer ac amddiffyn natur?
Fflagio fel amhriodol
Pa enghreifftiau cyffrous wyt ti wedi'u gweld o bobl yn cydweithio i adfer ac amddiffyn natur?
Fflagio fel amhriodol
More bins available
Beth wyt ti’n ei garu am fyd natur yn y DU? Beth fyddet ti’n ei golli pe bai’n diflannu?
Fflagio fel amhriodol
Have more accessible bins in the beach and on nature walk paths.
Pa enghreifftiau cyffrous wyt ti wedi'u gweld o bobl yn cydweithio i adfer ac amddiffyn natur?
Fflagio fel amhriodol
People looking after verges to encourage wildlife corridors. Online forums of wildlife care such as Hedgehog protection. Locals arranging litter picks in their area.
Pa enghreifftiau cyffrous wyt ti wedi'u gweld o bobl yn cydweithio i adfer ac amddiffyn natur?
Fflagio fel amhriodol
Less, preferably zero chemicals used on crops and those available to the public for use in gardens. When building houses for them to consider nature living alongside. Protection of all sites that are significant for wildlife and parks. Investment in renewable energy. Local councils leaving grass verges to grow long giving them a cut only once a year. More litter picking and more planting trees from local councils.
Beth wyt ti’n ei garu am fyd natur yn y DU? Beth fyddet ti’n ei golli pe bai’n diflannu?
Fflagio fel amhriodol
The UK has some of the most beautiful countryside in the world. I love every season and appreciate natural beauty.
Beth wyt ti’n ei garu am fyd natur yn y DU? Beth fyddet ti’n ei golli pe bai’n diflannu?
Fflagio fel amhriodol
Everything really in nature, it’s all important. I particularly love places with trees.
Pa enghreifftiau cyffrous wyt ti wedi'u gweld o bobl yn cydweithio i adfer ac amddiffyn natur?
Fflagio fel amhriodol
Community Environmental Trust in Castle Vale, Birmingham, is a small charity working in a deprived area of Birmingham to protect and enhance urban green spaces and work with the local community, especially young people, to support engagement with nature in the local environment. https://www.environmentaltrust.org.uk/
Pa enghreifftiau cyffrous wyt ti wedi'u gweld o bobl yn cydweithio i adfer ac amddiffyn natur?
Fflagio fel amhriodol
Nature would be noticed and valued. Every sphere of human activity - from education, to farming, to Government policy, to ordinary people's everyday lives - would include space and time for nature. Protection and appreciation of nature would be fully integrated into everything - nature would not be expected to stay within its allocated little boxes or plots; instead we would acknowledge that it needs to be able to thrive everywhere, Nature would be valued and protected in its own right, not seen as a commodity that is only valuable in so far as it is useful to humans; but at the same time we would recognise and value the indispensable role that nature plays in our lives and identity.
Beth wyt ti’n ei garu am fyd natur yn y DU? Beth fyddet ti’n ei golli pe bai’n diflannu?
Fflagio fel amhriodol
I love the variety and charisma of UK nature, from the comical yet tenacious puffin to the outlandish devil's fingers. I love its small-scale, intimate beauty and the way it connects us to the wider, wilder world. I love how close we can get to nature and the way it can sneak into every available space, whether we welcome it or not, and I love the joyful feeling of working to create a space where nature is made welcome and being rewarded with new or returning species moving in. I feel that we are very much part of nature and it is part of us. If we were to lose it, we would lose part of ourselves - the most beautiful, magical part - and we would lose our connection to the world we live in.
Pa enghreifftiau cyffrous wyt ti wedi'u gweld o bobl yn cydweithio i adfer ac amddiffyn natur?
Fflagio fel amhriodol
Clare / Squash Liverpool
I work at Squash - community organisation based in Toxteth, Liverpool. Ours is a 100-year vision, inspired by nature; we are actively transforming our Windsor Street Neighbourhood into a people-powered place that is known throughout the world for being a playful, resilient and loving community where everybody thrives! So we’re now into the second decade of this century street vision, which began in 2010 inspired by the lifespan of apple trees planted in the Grapes Community Food Garden. Now is a crucial time to build sustainable community resilience, creativity and more loving ways of being, together.
Fflagio fel amhriodol
Pa enghreifftiau cyffrous wyt ti wedi'u gweld o bobl yn cydweithio i adfer ac amddiffyn natur?
Fflagio fel amhriodol
Clare / Squash Liverpool
Nature is well loved and nurtured and is nearby and part of all lives- animal, vegetable & mineral. There are so many more trees planted in small woods/forests for a cooler climate - not just single street trees. People are connected and respectful of the nature around them and are empowered to take more time and care in and of it. More food is growing nearby housing using forest garden, permaculture principles. People are more deeply connected and loving towards the land, trees, water, air & all living things.
Beth wyt ti’n ei garu am fyd natur yn y DU? Beth fyddet ti’n ei golli pe bai’n diflannu?
Fflagio fel amhriodol
I love the seasonal diversity and connection with the land. I love the wild spaces and all that inhabit them. I’m so lucky to live next to the beautiful Princes park in Liverpool that is well loved. Alongside members of my community we nurture our local nature with a small guerilla-grown orchard, a community food garden and nature-based rituals throughout the year from Wassail to solstices and equinoxes.
Pa enghreifftiau cyffrous wyt ti wedi'u gweld o bobl yn cydweithio i adfer ac amddiffyn natur?